Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hw#6-Food Diary

On Tuesday morning September 28th i had two cinnamon toast Eggo waffles in one and a glass of orange juice. The waffles have 300 calories and 100 per set of four. So i had 200 calories of the waffles because i had two sets. I also put Aunt Jemima syrup original which was 210 calories. The orange was also 110 calories as well. The reasons i ate the waffles was because i am not allowed to have any milk substances in the morning and that is why i had orange juice also. In particular when i use syrup i do not put a lot because i don't like to drown my food in it, it's just too much and a lot of sugar for me.

I did not eat anything for lunch until i got home around 4:30 and had myself a can of Chef Boyardee Ravoili with a glass of lemonade. I did not eat the any dinner that day. I think that i should of ate something for lunch its not good focusing on an empty stomache. I feel like maybe i should not have not eaten the the whole can but i was really hungry. The ravioli had 230 calories and i also noticed it said it had 490 mg of potassium. I never knew that it had so much. On the can it said that it has 1/2 cup of vegetables which i did not taste at all but i figured it is good. i had one serving which is 252 g. The lemonade i drink which was minute maid had 110 calories.

On Wednesday September 29th, i had a Sausage McMuffin and a hashbrown from McDonalds around 7:00 with some orange juice also. The sausage mcmuffin was 382.95 calories. For such as small thing that is a lot of calories. It had about 8g of fat which i did not know. I noticed when i eating it it had a lot of grease and the so did the hashbrown but it was really good. The hashbrown had 146.72 calories which i am not surprised. When i was eating it i got a lot of grease on my finger tips.

Later on that day for lunch i had a beef patty with a can of Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea. The beef patty i am not really sure how many calories but when i ate it it did not really have any grease. The Arizona Iced Tea is 93 calories which is not a lot.

I thought it would be more because the can is big, i guess not.especially since it is artifical flavor. For dinner, i had a plate of white rice with a couple pieces of canned salmon. The rice was 675.25 calories and the canned salmon was 631.06. I think for this dinner i ate pretty good since i had fish and fish is good for you and white rice because it is plain.

I think that the last two days i ate ok. I think eating McDonalds was an unhealthy choice but i did not really care because it was good and so was the hashbrown. I think the dinner i had last nite was pretty healthy but i think i had a little more than one serving for myself. Hopefully for my next meal it will be a healthier choice.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hw#5-Dominant Discourses Regarding Contemporary Foodways in the U.S

Fixing A World that Fosters Fat

The article talked a lot about how kids and adults nowadays are becoming more and more obsese from how the world is being portrayed such as mot advertising to execrise more and eating lots of unhealthy foods(junk food). From reading the article i think that the people writing think we are living in a time of which significant reform of U.S. foodways has already occurred but the techniques that we are using is not working such as media and other news. It seems like they always mention kids or young teens about being obese. It's always the same people. It never changes. “But the environment makes it so difficult that fewer people can do these things, and then you have a public health catastrophe” in this part of the text this is not a part of the discourse. For example the enivironment does not want to make it a part of their thing to be healthy because it is ulikely which makes it not a part of the discourse.

Told To Eats Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries

From reading the article i feel like a lot what they are saying is true. People cannot rely their lives on vegetables even if it means being unhealthy.In refrigerators all over the country, produce often dies a slow, limp death because life becomes too busy. Being healthy has a cost and so does being unhealthy. Food practices of a member of our society whose worldview gets sculpted by mass-media-propagated dominant discourse are usually eat what you see on television(all the bad things). It seems that we have always come back to the topic of not eating vegetables and eating bad things such as McDonalds. The dominant discourse we set the boundaries that we are unable to eat healthy because of the busy schedule of our lives and stick to the unutrient of foods such as french fries being mentioned.

Fresh Vegetables Where Fast Food Reign

I feel like if they had more of these fresh vegetables at a near neighborhood people would buy it more healthier. The people who wrote and quoted this article are trying to reform in the right direction by providing vegetables and fresher things to live great lives. “You get the food direct from the farm — they’re still cleaning it off when I get there. You can’t get more fresh than that.” I feel like very article you read no matter what always refers to vegetables and how you need to eat them which is not going to happen 85% of the time! Most of the problems is that we do not eat fresh veggies but at the same time media has to give up and let people do what they want. Why spend millions of dollars on things if people do not care that is how i feel personally.

Hw#4-Your Families Foodways

Growing up in a hispanic background you learn that you eat the typical rice, beans, chicken, pork and all that good stuff but at the same time even though it's delicious, it is damaging us as well. Sometimes in different cultures you have all this great foods not just in my culture and it is bad. As generations go on and on some families try to get healthier and eat properly to live better lives which is what my mom has tried to do for herself and my sister.

From talking with my mom, she grew in a household that my grandmother would fry everything. Fried chicken, porkchops and all the things you can imagine. Even though she learned how to make the proper hispanic meals, she tries to do little things in the meals she makes to make it "healthier" such as putting vegetables etc. Seeing how my grandmother raised her, she decided to go a different route. She said "they were high in fat and it would cost more damage than good" which i find to be true. I feel like my grandmother was you basically eat what she cooked did not watch if it was healthy or not.

I think that if i would have spoken to my grandmother that she would say that basically they ate what they had and it did not matter if it was killing them or helping them. I feel like during her generation with her children (my mother) she did not understand the concept of being "healthy". From my photo above you can see that i had pancakes and sausages and some strawberries to be "healthy" trying to add some fruit in my meals even if it is a little gesture.

When it comes to my foodways i don't really pay attention. I eat whatever is insight most likely because i am hungry. Sometimes i do try to eat healthy like the way my mom cooks in the house but it does not always work. Compared to my mother or my family in general, she eats the healthiest out of everybody. She eats the smallest portion to and tries to contributes the fruits and vegetables onto her plate. I feel like it does not matter how much you try to pass down the heealthness to your children and family they won't listen unless you are very mandatory and strict about what they eat.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hw#3- Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

The differences between McDonalds and the Green Market is that one is healthy and the other is not. In McDonalds everything goes fast it's in a quick pace. You easily order and get your food. Unlike the Green Market most of the foods there are things you acutally have to cook because in McDonalds most of the foods are pre-made which makes the Green Market better food choice. Also when we went to the market everything was freshly outside. McDonalds the food is packed up in boxes or in plastic baggies like the buns and what-not. Most of the foods in the Green Market was grown on farms upstate while the food in Mcdonalds come shipped and have different chemicals. Thinking about it now, McDonalds sounds kind of nasty but the food is still tasty which is why it has a lot of business.

When i walked into McDonalds you notice everybody was in their own separate little box to have their privacy. While we were talking Andy made it a point that the colors were not loud and kind of tone down such as like yellow and read colors to try and represent themselves as "serious" and not so much a kid's eating kind of place. After you order your food all the condiments are on the side so basically there is is "self service" you take as much as you need. When i went to the market most of the people i saw were either kind of old or they were in their early probably 20's. You did not see a lot of kids my age which probably tells you that most teens do not really watch what they eat as long as it's food. Most of it does not matter. Food is food.

I normally visit McDonalds not because i choose to but mostly because of the convience. McDonalds is more closer than the market and i'm so used to it. Why change for something new? I feel like if maybe there was a green market close to my house i would make the effort to buy something there but instead i just go to Mcdonalds. I feel like they say "kids/people are obese and blah blah but nobody makes the effort to build any local green markets or healthy to improve the generation. To add to that we also should not make it so expensive. They want people to be healthy but you have to put a pretty pricey tag just to recieve it. There is always a catch to everything.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hw#2 Food-Initial Thoughts

When it comes food, i eat it a lot. Coming from a hispanic family, food is very important and it is what makes us come together as one. In an hispanic background especially or even any culture food is one of those aspect that is a big deal. Even like thinking about thankgiving. Thanksgiving equals food which equals love in which we all want in life typically.I feel like if i did not have food half the time of the day, i am unhappy. I think that food is an necessity to our lives not just because we need it to survive but to comfort us also. As we discussed in class, "food and love is the kind of thing we strive and want in our lives besides money." Food fills in that emptiness in our tummys and love fills that emptiness in our hearts and in order to get that to be "full" we eat or we find someone who is compatible to ourselves to make us happy.

In my opinion, food is sacred. I think that it is sacred because i feel like it is a drive that keeps us going in life epecially myself. I found a quote that i would agree with "One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating", i feel like for most people this is true unless you are a person who is afraid of food. Most people in the world if they are hungry or anything would stop anything they are doing to eat food to satify their need.

When it comes to food my priority is to eat everything as soon possible and get "stuffed". I like to have the feeling that i am about to explode from all the food that i just ate. It kind of makes me feel good but then after a while i feel fat and do the whole routine all over again. My typical meals can fail to meet my desire depending on my emotions. As Ally stated " Some people do based they're choice in food on emotions, one person may feel sad one day a crave ice cream or chocolate", I feel like this is true. I know there has been times when i have been down and food has been able to comfort in that spare time even though sometimes i do not think it is good for me.