Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hw#3- Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

The differences between McDonalds and the Green Market is that one is healthy and the other is not. In McDonalds everything goes fast it's in a quick pace. You easily order and get your food. Unlike the Green Market most of the foods there are things you acutally have to cook because in McDonalds most of the foods are pre-made which makes the Green Market better food choice. Also when we went to the market everything was freshly outside. McDonalds the food is packed up in boxes or in plastic baggies like the buns and what-not. Most of the foods in the Green Market was grown on farms upstate while the food in Mcdonalds come shipped and have different chemicals. Thinking about it now, McDonalds sounds kind of nasty but the food is still tasty which is why it has a lot of business.

When i walked into McDonalds you notice everybody was in their own separate little box to have their privacy. While we were talking Andy made it a point that the colors were not loud and kind of tone down such as like yellow and read colors to try and represent themselves as "serious" and not so much a kid's eating kind of place. After you order your food all the condiments are on the side so basically there is is "self service" you take as much as you need. When i went to the market most of the people i saw were either kind of old or they were in their early probably 20's. You did not see a lot of kids my age which probably tells you that most teens do not really watch what they eat as long as it's food. Most of it does not matter. Food is food.

I normally visit McDonalds not because i choose to but mostly because of the convience. McDonalds is more closer than the market and i'm so used to it. Why change for something new? I feel like if maybe there was a green market close to my house i would make the effort to buy something there but instead i just go to Mcdonalds. I feel like they say "kids/people are obese and blah blah but nobody makes the effort to build any local green markets or healthy to improve the generation. To add to that we also should not make it so expensive. They want people to be healthy but you have to put a pretty pricey tag just to recieve it. There is always a catch to everything.

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