Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hw#32-Final Thoughts

Looking at the movie comparing health care in the US compared to Canada and Europe was very shocking. You would think with all the advantages and thngs that the US has we would have good health care for everybody and that is not the case at all. People die everyday because they either don't qualify for health care for some "unrealistic" reason which is unfair. People in Britain are guarteened health care no matter what and without paying a cent most of the time. Unlike the US people treat each other as family rather than everybody for themselves. Money makes the world go round.

One of the most nightmarish about our social practices is that we as people take in so many medications and put so much chemicals in our body. Can we wonder if it's really helping us? It's not it's just slowing our deaths. Another are nursing homes and hospitals allows people to be isolated from the rest of the world keeping them attached to their own sickness. I think that when people stay in hospitals and nursing homes it makes them kind of more sick because its the same routine everyday not allowed to get a chance to interact with everything else.

After this unit, I might try using more of a spirtual healing instead of the typical medication and pills. I never actually tried meditation because I don't think it works but I might give it try not saying it's a 100% accurate but something different.

Looking at the food unit it connects alot to illness/dying. In today's society, lots of people make horrible food choice and on top of that we don't know where our food comes from which affects a lot how our body reacts to things and can make us sick. Then on top of that we get diseases such as diabetes etc, some get treated and some don't. So where does that leave us? I feel like it's our faults for this but at the same time the government for what they are putting out there in the world. There is something evil always happening behind closed doors that we don't know as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts throughout the semester because they have been very interesting and have made me think about things I never considered before this unit. I enjoyed the lines, “One of the most nightmarish about our social practices is that we as people take in so many medications and put so much chemicals in our body. Can we wonder if it's really helping us?” It is true that we take different medications and things but I’m not sure we really understand what some of those things are doing to our bodies. We take medications for acne, pain, and many other things but it’s important not to become too dependent on medications. I also liked that you said you would try a spiritual healing but I’m sort of confused about what you mean? Are you referring to religion or allowing our bodies to heal on their own? Keep up the great work!
