When i first got to prom, i noticed most of the girl's appearances rather than the boys. Most of all the girls there had on beautiful gowns with their hair looking perfect and make-up on their face to glow. There was a transformation it definetly felt like "magic". I cried a little bit just seeing everyone. Everybody looked their best and you noticed everything. The people in school who are considered not so popular or just the quiet ones were the loud ones at the prom that made a statement. I noticed that everybody came together as one no matter what happen during the school year because usually in movies and things everybody seem to have their own clique but at the prom is wasnt like that at all.
The prom was definetly like the movies to the extend that people were drinking and kind of wasted that night. People made it a point to get messed up because it was "prom". It was very typical night of prom but everybody added their own into it. Once prom was over everybody kind of transformed into a different person. I know i did. It was like prom is over, now it's time to really party. Everybody changed from their gowns to their party wear to have prom pt.2. Having the discussion in class, i thought that i would be more aware of my surrounding of prom but i actually forgot all about. I feel like prom is such a social norm to teenagers, there isn't much to think about it. Overall the prom was a very unforgettable event and i have a great time with the class of 2011.
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